The annual June sale, now called Community Festival, is a combined bake sale, quilt sale, food sale, yard sale, and entertainment, all done in the name of charity. Mennonites, mostly, bake pies, Zwiebach, ‘platz’ or whatever, deliver them to the booth at the crack of dawn and, when there is a bit of a pause […]
"Footprints" Archive
The posts below include examples of traditional Mennonite culture as it exists in Essex and Kent counties and how Mennonites have influenced this community.
A Marker of Field Stones
The following story is told by the builder of the marker, John Wiens. The marker was constructed in the year 2000. The Stones The story of the stones is not a singular story; it is a plural story. The historical marker has as many stories in it as it has stones, perhaps many more. What […]
Torch Bearer
Mennonite Footprints is intended to show the cultural practices that Mennonites have engaged in for ages. Those who continue to perform them are the torch bearers. The customs that fall beside the way become our footprints. This picture is that of a real torch bearer helping to carry the Olympic torch across the nation. The […]