As the cool Spring turns into long, hot Summer days, how will you be spending your time? If you know travellers coming to the Leamington area, our air conditioned museum is a great way to spend some time, as well as grab a coffee and have a visit. We are open every weekday morning, and admission to the museum is by donation. Here are a few things to note:
The EKMHA is now a member of the Leamington Arts Center (LAC). You can find some of our books for sale while you browse the art gallery gift shop!
Our annual meeting was held on June 10. We are grateful for an eventful year, and are happy to receive support by way of volunteers and an annual membership fee of $10. The volunteer and financial support help to keep EKMHA running and we are excited to continue our programs!
Finally, please enjoy these photos from our annual Spring Banquet, held on May 31 at UMEI in Leamington. Thanks to our guest speaker, Marlene Epp for travelling here to join us! We look forward to next years’ event!