Our family moved to the Crimea, Boselachea. Here we lived in little villages and owned a farm. Dad was mayor of a little town and had many responsibilities. When the war broke out again, Dad was called upon to haul people and soldiers far away by horse and wagon. This left Mother to look after […]
An Interview With Abe Fehr
Abram Fehr, known to his friends and associates simply as Abe, was born in Tillsonburg Ontario in 1963, and became a successful entrepreneur, no doubt to the delight of his hard working parents who immigrated to Canada from Paraguay. Abe’s father Isaac came to Canada in 1957 and his mother Helena arrived in1962. Abe’s entire […]
An Interview with Gerhard Taves: We Taste Better
I asked Gerhard what he liked about pigs. “I didn’t actually like pigs all that much,” he said, “But what I did like about them is their young. Pigs have massive litters, up to ten piglets and more, and their fur feels like velvet; also they smell good. Usually I have straw and maybe wood […]